

Gentry South Valley Magazine

It's no secret that Northern California's climate has been on object of many a song and screen over the year. Our abundant access to clear blue sky, breezy beaches, and verdant hillsides makes our backyard a true destination. SO then it comes as no surprise that we create homes that are as comfortable on the outside as they are within. As we gear up for spring, this issue celebrates the art of great outdoor living.


The beauty of the outdoors can take on whole new meanings hen you enlist the help of a custom residential landscape designer. For David Kato, the designer behind Los Gatos based Katoscapes, Inc., the energy of an outdoor space often provides his inspiration as much as the client. "I go on site and listen to the space, that's how I approach the design" he says of beginning a project. His team will work from pool to pathway to pottery for anywhere from three months to two years. "We're involved in everything outside the home," Kato says. " I don't try to force any preconceived ideas or designs, but I listen to the client's needs and tastes and try to develop a workable design." Because entertaining is a huge part of outdoor living, one of those beautifully workable designs recently included a custom-built Mediterranean-style outdoor, complete with a wish-list pizza oven. For Kato, as it may be true for you, a successful design really is about tapping into the unique energy of a space, where water feature, stepping stones, plantings, and decor all work to complete the vision and beckon you outside.

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